Writing good papers
- first sentence summarizes paragraph
- last sentence segways into next
- bullet definitions or terms
- describe figures
- state assumptions
- informative section headings
- lead the reader to your conclusions
- bullets and numbered lists when appropriate
- make contribution clear
- if idea is complex build up to it slowly
- you should be able to start reading the paper from any paragraph
- re-describe things simply and refer to them in each section
- 5-7 sections
- subsections should not be over 1 page long
- use spin to motivate if possible
Perfect Paragraph
- Topic sentence:
- Concrete Detail#1:
- Commentary:
- Transition:
- Concrete Detail #2:
- Commentary:
- Concluding Statement:
- See PerfectParagraph also
- use different kinds of figures, bar, table, scatter, plot
- use one figure for multiple examples if figure is simple
- use simple figure
- descriptive captions
- label important areas on graphs
Title - 1 or 2 lines
- descriptive
- not too complex
- fits on one line
- may represent an activity doing, using
- or be passive, description
- if on two lines
- focus
- area of work
Abstract - 1 or 2 paragraphs
- 1 sentence for each topic in introduction
- Focus the problem
- motivate
- are other solutions are lacking
- propose solution (but it is not necessary to provide any details)
- establish contributions
- don't put numbers unless stellar
Introduction - finish off the rest of the first page
- Motivation
- why this is hard
- why this is important
- why this contribution is stellar
- why this is a must have solution
- make contributions apparent
- road map
- use a figure
Related Work
- place at beginning if you are comparing to related work
- may be placed at the end if not needed for motivation
- start with an overview or large focus
- continue toward work that is more closely related to this work
- make sure to address PC related work
- point out weaknesses in related work, be nice, don't bash
- if possible present shortcomings that the authors pointed out
- categorize if possible
- use a figure
- set the stage
- describe things as you would to a layman.
- someone not even in MANET
- use a figure
Problem Formulation and Design
- characterize a good approach - that is your solution
- describe goals needed for a good solution
- lead the reader
- state assumptions, maybe bullet
- use an example
- categorize methodology
- describe enhancements but better yet push into protocol
- use a figure
Performance Evaluation - Simulation
- describe settings and parameters used and why
- define metrics and why they are important
- motivate why scenarios are important
- actually you should have lead up to them through the paper
- break into multiple subsections
- graphs
- motivate why it is important
- lots of different types of graphs
- good descriptions
- every graph should highlight advantage over previous results
- summarize results
- use sparingly, and only if interesting
- may be appropriate for tech report or magazines
- perhaps an emphasis can be found to SPIN
Conclusions - 1/2 page
- restate the problem
- reiterate solution
- say that your solution is good or put numbers
- contributions and results, maybe bullet
- future work - may be left out