All pages
- /usr/local/etc/dhcp.conf
- 49-node Indoor Mesh
- APEX backbone
- A new gateway location protocol for community mesh networks
- A new method to benchmark wireless routing using a grid based testbed
- Adhoc networking Protocol benchmarks
- Adhoc networking QOS Protocol benchmarks
- AfrimeshToDo
- Ajay's research
- Alternative spectrum management
- Amature Radio
- Andrews Node
- Antoine's Research
- Atheros
- Bandwidth management rules for scarce internet
- Broadcast minimizing strategies in ad-hoc networks, eg. MPR, fisheye
- Business models for community owned network
- CUWiN Visit
- Capacity analysis of ad-hoc networks
- Charles Perkins visit
- Clustering optimization for ad-hoc networks e.g. Pulsar, clusterhead, hierchical
- Community Media & Technology Conference
- Community ownership
- Community wireless networks
- Conferences
- Contact
- Cost Tables
- CuWIN Visit
- Current events
- DIY Mesh Guide
- DIY Mesh Guide Download
- DIY Mesh Guide Feedback
- DIY Mesh Guide Software and Resources
- Downloads
- EeePC and FreeBSD page
- Finding the optimum CDS "connected dominating sets" for ad-hoc networks
- Free/Libre Knowledge
- George's Research
- Gerhard's research
- Gnu Radio
- HPN design discussions page
- HPN to-do/done page
- High Performance Node
- High Performance Node - Dev and Test Network
- High Performance Node - Setup
- High Performance Node - Software
- High Performance Node - Specification
- High performance node page
- Home-Brew Antennae
- HowTos
- IEEE 802.11n
- IP04
- IP Allocation
- IP auto configuration in mesh networks using IPv6
- Increasing capacity in mesh networks using MIMOs
- Initial (old) hunting description
- Installing cacti on FreeBSD
- Johann's Research
- John's research
- Journals
- Karels Node
- Koppie Node
- Lawrence's Research
- Links
- Linksys hack
- Linux netbooting
- Low cost smart antennas for mesh networks
- Macha Monitoring
- Mamelodi Mesh
- Meraka Institute signs MoU with LinkNet of Zambia
- Meraka wireless Network
- Mesh Standards
- Mesh Wanderer
- Mobile Devices
- Mobile Mesh
- Mpumulanga Mesh
- Music Coach
- NEW: Quick getting started guide for setting up an outdoor mesh node
- Network Security
- Ntuthuko's Research
- OLSR Dot Draw
- OpenWRT
- Open Hardware
- Port HSLS
- Pretoria Mesh
- Pretoria Mesh Settings
- Protocol QoS Shoot-out
- Protocol Shoot-out
- Protocol development for WiMax mesh networks
- Ps
- Quartely Reports
- Real-Time Video Coding
- Regulatory Issues
- Research areas being addressed
- Research workshop 25 June 2008
- Rural Mesh Networks
- Rural evolution
- Sandbox
- Security Surveilance
- See here
- Service discovery over mesh networks
- Social networking based on ad-hoc networks e.g. incitement strategies
- Solution for Original Tutorial 1
- Solution for tutorial 2 - receiver
- Solution for tutorial 2 - sender
- Supporting Living Labs in South Africa
- The Story of Philemon
- The WISP-in-a-box project
- Title:High Performance Node - Setup
- Tom's research
- Topology based dynamic power control for ad-hoc networks
- Urban revolution
- Usr/local/etc/dhcpd.conf
- VOIP page
- VO Requirements & Functionality Questions
- VoIP
- Voice over Mesh
- WISP-in-a-box Way Forward
- WISP Coova phpMyPrepaid
- WISP in a Box Development
- WISPiab brainstorm on way forward 200806
- WISPiab business models
- WISPiab ingredients - research archive
- WISPiab specifications
- WISPiab tasks&profiles
- WISPiab work meeting 200806
- WRT54G
- Wireless Africa Home Page
- Wireless Africa Roadmap
- Wireless Mesh Networking
- Wireless Network Technology
- Wireless Router
- Wireless Village
- Workshops
- Writing good papers